I’ve taken a little jaunt up the East Coast to Boston which is a much more relaxed city than New York, but after New York having a stallion drag you along by the nuts would seem relaxing.
I got to boston on the traditional good ‘ol American Amtrak train, just like the movies except:
a) no one was shot
b) the driver didn't have a heart attack forcing a passenger to take control
c) a bridge wasn't destroyed further up the track
d) a bomb wasn't on board
e) no one was thrown from the train
So it was nothing like the movies, more like British Rail but without the dirt, retarded staff and the aroma of fried food when you get on.
First stop was Bostons most famous bar: Cheers (which is actually called the Bull & Finch), it looks exactly the same from outside with the exception of a sign giving it’s real name – presumably to deter the more stupid of tourists – but nothing at all like the TV show inside, very long and thin and much more of a restaurant than a bar. I imagine the novelty of tourist’s singing 'Where everybody knows your name' wore off long ago.
I’m staying in a cheap grotty little hostel above a Hooters bar. Tits, tits and more tits and that was just the customers, but it had an English TV channel so at least I got to find out all the football scores.
It’s still very cold here – just above freezing – I should definitely have packed some warmer boxer shorts.