Still stuffed from the soup, giant lobster, rice, potatoes, plantain, salad and fruit from the previous night we decide a long hike is order, unfortunately Lumino ambushes us before we can get across the terrace and we are treated to fruit salad, eggs, ham, bread, grapefruit juice, orange juice, mango juice, yogurt and coffee. Did someone say it was tough in Cuba?
The sights of Vinales – not surprisingly – revolve around tobacco but it seems I get one of the least enthusiastic guides at the plantation 'Diz is tobacco seed, diz tobacco seed grow into diz tobacco plant, diz tobacco plant it hung to dry, diz dry tobacco plant it put in sack, we sell sack. Tour is finis. How many cigars you want to buy?'
I also visited a cave which was great if you have never been in a cave before and the most hideous looking mural I have ever seen, which apparently was meant to represent evolution so I am unsure what the two-headed sea monster was doing in it.
Back at the Casa, Lumino regretfully informed me she was unable to catch an elephant that day and that therefore dinner would be slightly smaller than the previous night. Luckily, I had spent wisely earlier in the day and was sporting a cigar large enough to hang a coat on and a litre of Havana Club rum which helped get over the disappointment.
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