After a long day on the road yesterday a good nights sleep was well in order, but my casa is not the place to provide one. In truth I am not sure many places in Cuba could as everyone seems to own a cockerel, a dog, a television that does not turn off and no-one has any windows.
This morning was particularly bad as we were awoken at just after 5am by a lunatic ringing an enormous cow bell and bellowing in Spanish. It became apparent that rather than just showing off his spoils after a big night on the rum he was selling vegetables and was happy to continue shouting as a queue was forming nicely around him. Had he been selling anything other than tomatoes and lettuce, say ear-plugs or an axe, I may have joined the queue.
After a couple of long dull days Santiago de Cuba revives my spirits, the city has nowhere near as many tourists as Havana and there does not seem to be as many touts, those that are around are much friendlier and I always liked to be smiled at when someone is trying to swindle me.
I visit the Moncada barracks where Fidel fired his first shots in anger, the plaza of the revolution which has a dramatic sculpture of General Maceo surrounded by enormous iron machetes and get into the swing of festivities in the evening when a street very close to where I am staying is taken over for a fiesta.
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