I arrive into town at 7.30 in the morning having had the customary ten minutes sleep due to the paranoia that someone will steal my bag. Ciara, as usual, was asleep within ten minutes of leaving the station, promptly sprawled herself across two seats (as I got lumbered next to Captain Sweaty Trousers) and then woke up as we pulled into our destination.
Santa Clara is the town where the decisive battle of the revolution took place as Che Guevara and his gang of beards ambushed a government troop train using a bulldozer. Pretty much everything in town is geared towards the veneration of Che. A huge bronze statue of him stands in one of the main plazas alongside a museum dedicated to the man (which is probably the best I have visited in Cuba) and finally his mausoleum where he was laid after being murdered by the CIA in 1967.
Cuban Street Snack League:
1. Pizza
2. Pork rolls
3. Coconut mash
4. Peanut mash – Take a copious amount of peanuts and pound into a pulp, add enough sugar to rot a crocodile's teeth, wrap and serve. This was as bad as it sounds.
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