Baracoa is a very small town on the eastern coast, it was cut off from the rest of the island until as recently as the mid 70's when they finally got around to building a road and linking it with the rest of civilisation. I am not totally convinced that the town is all that bothered about being linked to society as the local supermarket – I use that term very loosely – seems to stock nothing but rum (albeit in about 30 varieties), beer, tinned pork and toilet paper. I guess with a diet of the first three items toilet paper is essential.
I spend the afternoon hanging out in the town square and am impressed by how friendly the locals are, all seem happy just to have a chat about nothing rather than have a chat about the various service they provide that I should be thankful for. I attempt to hike to a beach spot 6km away but reports of a wooden bridge that will take me across the river are either wildly inaccurate or said bridge was blown away during the last hurricanes season and no one has noticed. Either way I don't find it and give up after an hour of looking. Later that night, I am pleased to hear that the water is now toxic so it is best avoided anyway.
Cuban Street Snack League
Cometh the beach, cometh the beach snacks.
1. Pizza
2. Pork rolls
3. Coconut mash – Take one coconut pound the flesh into a pulp and mix in assorted mangoes, dates and oranges, pound some more, wrap in a banana leaf and hey presto, coconut mash! Not quite as revolting as it sounds but very close.
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