I reach the conclusion that when the author of my guide book described Camaguay as 'gritty and real' it was a euphemism for 'dilapidated and dull' either that or his last placement was Kabul.
I head for the bus station early to make sure of a ticket for the single bus that leaves town each day, it's not strictly true about being the only bus leaving, but as tourists are only allowed to travel with one company (on specially assigned tourist buses) it is the only one I am allowed to travel on.
The ticket seller is impressed by my early arrival and tells me she will sell me a ticket when the bus arrives, but only If there are any seats left on it, and she can't tell me if there will be. It is now I discover that I can book a ticket 24 hours in advance but not 4 hours in advance, I am not sure what the cut-off point is.
Having watched a bus for Cubans leave with six passengers on it, the tourist bus arrives and Ciara and I manage to secure the last two seats after bundling an old lady into the toilets.
Luckily, the telly is on the blink.
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