Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Day 16 – Baracoa

A long and incredibly hot day hiking in the Humbolt National Forest yields much (courtesy of our guide) in the way of interesting animals, deadly plants, tropical fruits and best of all the sight of an Italian girl falling into a river. It's all funny until someone gets hurt – then it's just hilarious.

In an attempt to add some variety to our lunchtime diet of pizza we find a bakery and buy four bread rolls, however, as the supermarket is closed and the fruit market is nowhere to be found we are unable to find anything to put in them. With little choice we end up buying two cheese rolls from one stall-holder (giving us six roils and two slices of cheese) and then two tomato rolls from a different stall-holder giving us two slices of cheese, two slices of tomato and enough rolls to open our own bakery. A third stall-holder did have mayonnaise rolls for sale but we didn't want to be too extravagant.

My evening meal of shark in coconut sauce for £4 more than made up for the lunchtime aggravation, was bloody marvellous and I drunk a toast to the shark that gave it's life for such a fine feast.

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