Sunday, 23 January 2011

Day 21 – Cienfuegos to Playa Larga

Having failed miserably to find any information on how to get to Playa Giron from Cienfuegos (the largest town within any kind of range), I decide on another plan. I am going to ask the driver of the bus going to Havana to drop me on the motorway where the road turns off to Playa Giron. This will unfortunately leave me in the middle of nowhere (except on the side of a 6-lane motorway) but I am hoping that another local bus services the route south.

I get off the bus, desperately thinking that this is a very bad plan. I am stood on the side of the road for approximately 35 seconds when a lady in a red uniform appears from a bush (Mr Benn like) and asks if I am trying to get to Play Giron or Playa Larga?

A picturesque 25-minute ride later and I am ensconced in the finest casa we have stayed in to date complete with ocean view, patio, kitchen and a TV showing two – yes two – channels.

Cuban Street Snack League:

1. Pizza
2. Peanut cone – No surprises here, it's peanuts in a paper cone for 3p a hit.
3. Pork rolls
4. Coconut mash
5. Peanut mash

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