It is not often that you find yourself waist deep in stinking water first thing in the morning. Today I was. In fairness the room I stayed in last night was so hot, humid, insect ridden and uncomfortable that this was preferable. The fact that the tour guide had buggered off leaving us idiots standing there with the instruction 'Shout if you see an anaconda' made it slightly less so. I can't complain, this was an anaconda hunt we were on so when our guide did find one – and a bloody big one it was too – we were all very pleased if slightly intimidated.
As I only managed about three hours sleep last night I was hoping for a rest in the afternoon, this hope was short-lived as the temperature continued to rise and our wooden room took on all the properties of a sauna – albeit a very unhygienic one. We set off in the boat (which was the only way to keep cool) to fish for piranha, however although a few people caught some it appears I used all my luck in retrieving our clothes two days ago.
As each hour passed another ten mosquitos got through my multiple layers.
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