A bit of culture was on the cards today. In the morning I visited the ancient twin ruins of Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna (the temples of the sun and moon) which were built by the Moche people before an afternoon at the enormous mud city of Chan Chan built by the Chimu people. I know that doesn't sound like a very interesting day, but it was.
The low point of the day was when our guide mentioned that he knew a great restaurant which also provided live entertainment, authentic costumes and souvenirs, and didn't you just know it, we were just around the corner! It does not matter what country I am in, nothing – I said, nothing – will have me heading for the exit door faster than the promise of: Traditional <> dancing. I made my excuses and left.
In the evening I caught a night bus to Huarez high in the Andes and very, very cold it got too.
Sud América Gut Rot League © – Into Peru and a superior range of beers on offer, Cusqueña Negra is a porter but just a little too sweet to be a chamion, whilst Franca is very good indeed.
1. Franca
2. Cusqueña Negra
3. Conquer
4. Club
5. Pilsner
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