As you may have reasoned by now, everything in Japan runs smoothly, this blog, usually awash with stories of: annoying tour guides, unhelpful waiters, malodorous conductors, late-running trains, non-existent buses, death-trap taxis, unpalatable food, insipid drinks, insufferable accommodation, rats, cockroaches, fleas and all manor of obstacles that Judith Chalmers never had to put up with are all happily absent on this trip. Whilst this makes for a pretty uneventful blog, it makes a nice change for me,
Probably the most annoying thing I have come across since being here is when I approach a door and only realise at the last moment it is not electronic and have to open it manually.
I may have to reassess going to third world countries if this continues, however, I believe Libya is particularly nice this time of year.
Today I visited Kumamoto Castle, an impressive wooden castle that dominates the skyline of the city The sixth floor gave 360 degree views of the city and amble warning of any approaching samurai – including the obligatory few in the courtyard below gurning for photos and looking distinctly un-noble. In the afternoon I visited the very plush and modern Kumamoto Art Museum, personally I would have put a bit more money towards acquiring decent artwork.
Sapporo – The Winters Tale is a new discoverer on the beer front, and whilst it may sound like a Japanese Disney movie it is much more appealing than that. I am yet to find a bad beer over here (I am not including the dubious alco-pops in that statement), however, it has been rather difficult to keep track on the beers as a the majority of the names are written in Japanese.
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