Saturday 15 December 2007

Day 5 – Banff

When Ciara suggested we spend a day on the piss I jumped at the chance. I was expecting Guinness for breakfast, hot rum for lunch and an evening on the Baileys and whiskey. Unfortunately my ears must have been frozen solid as what she wanted was a day on the piste. 

It's simple really, Ski, Fall on your arse, ski again. Ciara skiied, I fell on my arse. I got the hang of it (like Joey Deacon got the hang of speaking) and a great day was had by all, such a good time in fact that I may have doomed myself to skiing holidays for the next ten years.

Tired after a long day on the slopes (I know you are just boiling with sympathy for us) we headed back into Banff and went for a beer, I had taken one mouthful when the girl sitting next to us at the bar bluted out "I have just split up with my boyfriend of 5 years he was seeing someone else I came to Canada and I am having the time of my life", the look on her face suggested she wasn't having the time of her life, and for the next 30 minutes I certainly didn't.

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