Saturday 15 December 2007

Day 7 – Jasper

We dragged ourselves from our heated, comfortable room to another -10 day.  The bloke in the tourist information aggravated the shit out of me by punctuatuing each sentence he delivered by punching me on the arm. 

We went on a hike to a renowned local view point, however, the snow and ice combined so that not only could you not see the trail, you could not see much of the edges either and as a 100 metre drop onto the frozen lake (followed by submersion in said lake after the ice had broken) didn't appeal we were forced to turn back.

We had been warned by locals that wolves, cougars, bears and squirrels were all to be found in the area and we should take necessary precautions. For Ciara this meant arming herself with a snowball and a pointed stick, for me it meant walking behind Ciara and being able to run faster. It seems Ciara's arsenal did the trick as no beast dare attack us.

We bought a pizza and some booze and watched 3 DVDs – My love affair with the snow is over.

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