At some stage in the early hours of the morning the train guard decided to switch off the air conditioning in the carriage thereby turning it into a vast stinking metal sauna. Some time later, as some of the larger and therefore sweatier locals started to threaten grievous violence towards the guard he obligingly turned it back on. Then smiled sneakily and left. Within an hour the carriage was so cold penguins were handing out the blankets.
I arrived at the Bolivia/Brazil border at 10am and after clearing the Bolivian side with a simple nod of the head and a stamp in the passport I then had the great pleasure of queueing for over two hours for Brazilian customs to do exactly the same by which time I had missed all the early buses and had to wait until 3pm for yet another eight hours on a bus.
I finally arrived in Campo Grande close to midnight and it was still bloody hot.
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