The heat is too much, seriously the temperature is constantly up in the 30's and the humidity is over 70% – although I have no idea what that actually means.
This morning I spent nearly an hour looking for the museum of modern art only to discover that it has been turned into the head office for a Brazilian gas supply company, on reflection, perhaps the people sitting at desks were a ground breaking and thought provoking statement on mankind's lethargy, apathy and futile struggle for fulfillment. Perhaps the map was just wrong.
Unable to bear the heat any longer I headed for the bus station two hours early purely to find some shade from the sun. The bus departure time of 16.30 came (and went) and when the bus did finally pull into the station an hour late the driver did little to endear himself to me as I attempted to board when he pointed out 'This is the disembarkation bay, you must go to the embarkation bay' as he indicated the bay next to where the bus was currently parked. Giving him the evilest of eyes that I could muster I trudged the four metres distance and watched the bus reverse, do a loop of the station and finally come to rest at the embarkation bay 'Travelling to Iguaza Falls, sir?' he smiled. I didn't. I managed to supress my anger as the nut-poaching heat and three hour wait subsided into history when I boarded the air-conditioned luxury haven and fell into a super-reclining seat.
Ciara swears it was six minutes, I say it was closer to eight, what is fact is that less than ten minutes into the expected 16 hours of this journey we pulled into a different bus station and the driver announced "Rest stop, we'll be here 30 minutes, everybody off'. The restraint I employed not to neck chop him as I walked behind him and off into the heat would have humbled a Tibetan monk.
An hour later and we set off again.
Both Ciara and I agree that this time it was close to ten minutes before the bus pulled over to the side of the road where it sat until the driver (who I had well and truly heard enough from by now) won himself some more friends with 'We have to go to a garage'. Another hour passed before we were herded back onto the bus with the driver's final insult being 'You can't bring that can of beer on the bus', 'Fine' I replied 'I will leave it here we'll be back to pick it up in ten minutes I imagine' as I threw it away making sure it bounced off of his head on the way.
The rest of the journey was a breeze.
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