Strange thing sleep deprivation, it makes you have strange and barely sane thoughts like 'I must watch that Sandra Bullock film' or 'This is a good album is it Celine Dion?' or 'I can walk to the hostel in this heat'.
The latter was the very, very foolish thing I did, so after the kind of walk that would have had a Gurka gurning the last thing I needed was a receptionist telling me they were full, but he did. 'Listen mush, I have been on a bus for over 17 hours, the sweat in my socks is causing trench foot and I have less patience than Harold Shipman – find me a room'.
Sensing my mood, the receptionist ventured 'Well sir, we do have the Hobbit Suite available'. I soon comprehended that the 'Hobbit Suite' had nothing to do with the decor or location but more to do with the ceiling being only a metre and a half from the floor thus allowing free movement for Hobbit's and Smurf's only. As if to make up for the lack of ceiling height the room was only accessible by a door that was three metres above ground level via a ladder. Still it was air-conditioned and I slept bloody well that night.
Sud América Gut Rot League © – As I spent more than enough time sitting around doing nothing for the last few days I have managed to sample a couple of the local tipples. Kaiser – obviously German influenced and all the better for it, perhaps likely to be replaced by Führer in the future. Skol – in this heat both taste and quality can largely be ignored and there is no denying that the makers of Skol have largely ignored both taste and quality.
1. Cristal
2. Kaiser
3. Pilsen Polar
4. Franca
5. Cusqueña Negra
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