As Iguaza Falls is considered to be one of the great natural wonders of the world, finding something to do that would surpass the exhilaration of the last two days was going to be tricky, however, I discovered an ace up the Brazilian sleeve in the form of the Itaipu Dam which generates power for both Brazil and Paraguay. What's not to like about a trip to a hydro-electrical plant?
Ciara seemed less than impressed with the prospect and her assurance that she would rather be buried under the dam than visit it, was not diluted remotely when I told her that the dam had recently been voted as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by no less a magazine than respected American publication Popular Mechanics. Yes, you heard that right, Popular Mechanics!
We joined the queue of bespectacled engineers, mathematicians, Star Trek fans and Stephen Hawking look-a-likes for the two hour trip along the top and into the dam. Our tour guide was as enthusiastic as one can be when explaining weight ratios, concrete spans, voltage productions and a multitude of facts that were instantly forgettable.
So it was no Machu Picchu (Popular Mechanics you have a lot to answer for) but I still had another 16 hour bus journey to look forward to that evening.
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