Tuesday 15 January 2008

Day 37 – Beijing

We arrived early in Beijing to a temperature of -5 and found somewhere to stay. After an hour in the room we realized that the only difference between it and a refrigerator was that the light didn't come on when we opened the door – we had to do it ourselves.

We spent the day in Tiananmen Square desperately trying not to make eye contact with soldiers, cross the path of the Revolutionary Guard or alert any members of the Politburo. I wasn't sure that we had done anything illegal, but that has never stopped the Chinese government running you over with a tank of course.

In the evening we watched an acrobatics show – which was absolutely amazing, some of the positions the women got themselves into, well, you wouldn't dream about it. At least not in a dream about acrobatics.

So far, I have counted 2,234,895 bicycles in Beijing.

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