Sunday 20 January 2008

Day 42 – Macau

Well the temperature can't exactly be described as balmy but at least there is not a minus sign in front of it. At the moment it is nice to be wearing just the one pair of socks again.

As we have spent the last few days marching at a pace the Red Army would be proud of we decided to relax a little, consequentially we have done bugger all today. So for those interested in such things here is a run down of the best (and worst) Chinese beers:

Dark Beer – The name is hopelessly uninspiring, but this wins hands down, sadly not widely available.
TsingTao – The Buttweiser of China but far, far superior.
Suntory – The sort of beer you would bring to a party and then drink something better.
Rhinetech – Originally brewed by Germans, I fear something was lost in translation.
Hans – If you drink Hans, you are a bum.
Snow – The sort of beer you would bring to a party and leave there.

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