Sunday 20 January 2008

Day 40 – Beijing

It is getting colder by the day. Scratch that, it is getting colder by the hour – I am currently wearing three pairs of socks and four t-shirts and I am still cold.

We ventured to the Forbidden City in the morning, which is a huge imperial palace slap bang in the middle of Beijing just North of Tiananmen Square. It was a great place to wander around and even with the sub-zero temperatures there was still a lot of visitors, I imagine that In the summer, like The Great Wall, it would be horrendously packed. There are not many reasons for visiting China in January but perhaps the lack of hoards of tourists is one.

You would think that after Canda and Northern China we would have had enough of ice, snow and artic weather by now, but rather foolishly we decided to visit an ice show this evening. I had never been to an ice show before (it doesn't take Confusious to work out what it will entail) but it was superb, albeit unsurprisingly, freezing cold. I mean the soles of my feet had passed being numb and were in acute pain cold. We stayed for about an hour after which time we were seriously considering eating a husky to stay alive, but as we couldn't find one we back just got in the car which was taking us back to Beijing.

So far, I have counted 8,128,020 bicycles in Beijing.

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